One year

I have been writing but not as much. Sometimes it takes me to a place that takes a few days to get out of.  What I have written I have not posted because well, its proably only things I would understand.  I am focusing on my goals and being happy.  Trying to stay positive as I gain more confidence. My last scan was “clear”, but there are still some concerning areas they are watching closely.

I wrote this yesterday, January 21, 2017. One year since my surgery. Thank you to everyone who was there that day and the amazing people I have met along the way. You are all priceless to me.

The picture of the stadium is the view that I could see as they took me to surgery. The nurse stopped for a minute before taking me in and just let me look out. I wish I could thank him.  I looked at all the life and movement that was going to continue to happen while I was under, completely unharmed and unaware. Now whenever I am around the James I always take a minute to think about those patients that are up there, about to have surgery… wondering if anyone down there even thinks about them. The second picture is what I saw right after, pretty self explanatory but thats a operating room at the James, completely lifeless. Just thought I would show what that day was like from a patient’s perspective.

One year ago. I can’t believe it. And here I am.

Sitting in my bed, typing this.

I feel heavy when I think about it.

Gravity gets stronger, I feel like I’m being slammed to the floor.

What am I supposed to do? Would you consider this an anniversary?

Should I mourn? Laugh? Cry? Smile? Celebrate?

I am overwhelmed. Read More